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BISP Kafaalat New Update for Registration and PaymentBISP Kafaalat New Update for Registration and Payment

Last Updated on: 19th August 2024, 06:27 pm

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This update is for all women receiving payments under the Benazir Income Support Program (BISP) and those who are enrolled but still waiting for payments from the Benazir Kafaalat Programme. We will provide the latest update on BISP 8171 registration and 12500 September payment update and help you ensure your payment reaches your account.

BISP Kafaalat New Update for Registration and Payment

BISP Kafaalat New Update for Registration and Payment

BISP launched the ‘ShajarKari’ project, planting trees across the country since August 14, with the motive of planting more than 10 million trees across Pakistan. Meanwhile, registrations are underway at Tehsil offices and will continue until August 31. If you have not completed your dynamic survey for payment of Rs 12500, you can visit your nearest Tehsil office to update your details.

To check if you are eligible for the scheme, simply enter your 13-digit ID Card number on the online portal. After completing the survey at the tehsil office, you will receive a confirmation message from 8171.

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Important Guidance for Beneficiaries

Some beneficiaries may not be able to travel to the BISP tehsil office due to health issues or disabilities. In such cases, a family member is eligible to complete the survey on behalf of the beneficiary.

BISP Kafalat 8171 Payment Update for New Installment

Many women participating in the Benazir Kafaalat Payment Scheme are worried that they will not receive their monthly payments even if they are eligible. DG BISP Naveed Akbar recently addressed this issue and confirmed that women who participated in the recent survey will start receiving their payments from the first month of next year. It is advisable to be patient as the money will be transferred to your bank account soon.

Also Read: 12500 Kafalat Payment will be given to CNIC Holders with PMT Scores Below 30

Eligible women for 12500 BISP Next Payments

These are the important eligibility criteria for the new Benazir Kafalat payments:

  • The applicant must be a citizen of Pakistan.
  • Federal or state government employees are not eligible.
  • The program is available in all provinces, including Gilgit-Baltistan and Azad Jammu and Kashmir.
  • Anyone aged 18 or above who needs financial assistance is eligible to apply.
  • Anyone who owns vehicles or works for the government is not eligible for the Ehsaas program.
  • The applicant must not be receiving financial assistance from any other federal, state, or local government.
  • Household income must be below a certain threshold.

Also Read: Asif Zardari instructs to register 7 lac new women in the BISP program

What is the method to verify your CNIC for the new payment

How to check the status of your CNIC payment through the official website of 8171 BISP:

  1. Go to
  2. Enter your CNIC number and the code shown in the image.
  3. Click on “Check Eligibility”.
  4. Your eligibility status will be displayed on the next page.

How about the new registrations for BISP beneficiaries in September

If you have any issues with payment transfers or other related problems, you can file a complaint and expect complete assistance in resolving your issues. This will help you resolve any BISP device-related issues with ease.

In addition to receiving the monthly payment, beneficiaries who are already registered in the EHSAAS Program may be eligible for other initiatives from the official Team 8171, which may pave the way for additional benefits.

Also Read: Asif Zardari instructs to register 7 lac new women in the BISP program

Last Words

This new BISP update provides important information for beneficiaries about the Benazir Kafalat registration and payment process for September disbursement. While the dynamic survey will continue at Tehsil offices until August 31, eligible women must complete their registration to make sure their payments.

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