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New Update for Qaumi Khushali NSER Survey New Benazir Kafalat PaymentNew Update for Qaumi Khushali NSER Survey New Benazir Kafalat Payment

Last Updated on: 23rd August 2024, 11:43 pm

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For those who are already receiving payments from the Benazir Income Support Program (BISP) and want to join, there is an important update on the Benazir Kafalat new Qist. A BISP Qaumi Khushali NSER survey is currently being conducted at Tehsil offices for new enrollments. This survey will soon be completed when the program prepares a list of new beneficiaries who will receive payments in September-October.

New Update for Qaumi Khushali NSER Survey New Benazir Kafalat Payment

New Update for Qaumi Khushali NSER Survey: New Benazir Kafalat Payment

The Benazir Income Support Program recently announced that it has started enrolling and re-surveying the next 12500 Kafalat Payments. If you are eligible for the program but have not yet completed the new Qaumi Khushali survey, it is time to visit your nearest Tehsil office. Please ensure that all the information you provide during Benazir’s dynamic registration is correct so that you can be included in the list of new beneficiaries of the BISP 8171 scheme.

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Check your Qaumi Khushali NSER survey status online

You can check your new Qaumi Khushali survey status online through the BISP web portal by following these steps:

  1. Visit the BISP 8171 web portal on your mobile device at
  2. Enter your ID Card number and the code shown in the image.
  3. Select “Check Eligibility” from the menu.
  4. Your eligibility status will be displayed on the next page.

Also Read: BISP Started a New Anti-Poverty Program for Poor People

How to check your Kafalat registration status by sending an SMS to 8171

For those who do not have easy access to the internet, you can check your registration status by sending an SMS to 8171. Here’s how:

  1. Open your mobile phone’s message inbox.
  2. Enter your 13-digit CNIC number without any spaces.
  3. Send the message to 8171 and wait for a response.

What’s the process of BISP Qaumi Khushali survey completion at the Tehsil offices

To complete or renew your registration through the Qaumi Khushali NSER survey at any Tehsil office, follow these steps:

  1. Visit your district BISP Tehsil center.
  2. Please come to the BISP Dynamic registration counter.
  3. Present your CNIC card and B-form of your children.
  4. You will be given a token for survey update or re-enrollment.
  5. Confirm the number provided and proceed to the registration section.
  6. A data entry operator will ask you questions regarding your financial and personal details.
  7. Complete the process with the thumb verification.
  8. You will then receive a confirmation message from 8171.
  9. After additional verification, eligible women will be notified of their status in the BISP 8171 program.

Also Read: Any family member can complete the BISP survey on behalf of a disabled woman

For old beneficiaries, the Benazir Kafakat registration deadline is extended to August 31

For BISP beneficiaries who completed their surveys in 2021 but have not updated their information since then, BISP has extended the registration deadline to August 31. All current beneficiaries and new applicants are asked to complete their registration by this date to be eligible for the next payments.

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