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BISP opens the registration centers for the NSER surveyBISP opens the registration centers for the NSER survey

Last Updated on: 30th August 2024, 12:07 am

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If you want to register for the Benazir Income Support Programme, the process is currently done through an NSER survey from the BISP Tehsil office. Some people may wonder if there is an online registration facility, but there is not. The only online service offered by BISP is a web portal where you can check your CNIC and payment details.

For those who haven’t done the survey for the 12500 September Kafalat payment, it is time to visit the nearest BISP Tehsil office. There you can fill up your registration form and get yourself enrolled in the beneficiary list.

BISP opens the registration centers for the NSER survey

BISP opens the registration centers for the NSER survey

The new registration for Benazir Kafaalat Scheme is functioning at BISP centres. During your visit, you will need your ID Card and Form B (for Taleemi Wazaif of your children). To avoid visiting the Tehsil office multiple times, make sure to bring all the required documents.

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BISP field staff will guide you through the process and enter your details into the online BISP program. You can check your eligibility status online through the 8171 web portal or by sending your CNIC via SMS to “8171”.

How can new BISP beneficiaries survey through 647 registration centers

BISP has announced the setting up of 647 new registration centers in 2022. As per the latest update, these centers are actively registering those eligible for monthly payments through NSER dynamic registration.

This new survey is being conducted under a partnership between the National Database Registration Authority (NADRA) and BISP. In a ceremony, the two organizations signed a bilateral agreement to set up these dynamic registration centers across the country.

Also Read: BISP to Upgrade the Old Banking System for 12500 Kafalat Payment Disbursement

Procedure to check your NSER survey status online via web portal

Once you have registered under the BISP program through the NSER survey, you can easily check your 13-digit CNIC online. Here is how:

  1. Visit the BISP 8171 web portal at
  2. Enter the code shown in the image along with your CNIC number.
  3. Select “Check Eligibility” from the menu.
  4. You will see your eligibility status on the next page.

What’s the way to confirm your BISP registration via SMS “8171”

  1. Open your phone’s message inbox.
  2. Enter your 13-digit CNIC number.
  3. Send it to the official BISP program code “8171”.
  4. You will receive a reply with all your information.

Also Read: BISP Program disbursed more than Rs 300Bn to 9.5M beneficiaries

Benazir Kafaalat Payment Update for August 2024

Under the Benazir Kafaalat Scheme, installment is provided to women in Pakistan whose PMT is below 30 and who live below the poverty line. If you complete the survey at the BISP Tehsil Center and meet the criteria, you will receive payments through a new banking system.

Previously, Kafaalat beneficiaries received their quarterly installments only through Habib Bank and Bank Alfalah. From now on, payments will be processed through six more banks.

Eligible women for the BISP Kafalat new payment

The BISP program wants to support the most needy people through quarterly payments. To be eligible, applicants must meet the following criteria:

  • Be a citizen of Pakistan.
  • Applicants must be at least 18 years old, in need of assistance, and have no male relative (widowed, divorced, or single).
  • Families with members with physical or mental disabilities are eligible.
  • PMT score must be below 30.

Also Read: BISP Launches 18 Satellite Vans for NSER Survey Registration in 18 Districts

Last Words

For those who want to enroll in the Benazir Income Support Scheme, the only way is to complete the NSER survey at BISP Tehsil offices. Online registration is not possible. Go to the nearest registration office with all the required documents to complete the process and get financial assistance if you are eligible.

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