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BISP Partnered with IFAD to Improve Beneficiaries' LivelihoodsBISP Partnered with IFAD to Improve Beneficiaries' Livelihoods

Last Updated on: 24th September 2024, 02:02 pm

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BISP and the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) have partnered with a common objective: to improve the lives of low-income families and provide them with more opportunities by providing skilled training. This collaboration, discussed at a recent meeting, focuses on new initiatives proposed by Rubina Khalid and how these efforts could lead to positive change for the program’s beneficiaries.

BISP Partnered with IFAD to Improve Beneficiaries' Livelihoods

BISP Partnered with IFAD to Improve Beneficiaries’ Livelihoods

On Monday, Ghulam Nabi Marri, National Coordinator of IFAD, and Senator Rubina Khalid, Chairperson of BISP, held an important meeting. The two organizations, BISP and IFAD, are looking at ways to improve the livelihoods of people involved in the Benazir Kafaalat program. The objective is to provide families with more opportunities for financial stability.

This partnership is another important step in BISP’s mission to help registered beneficiaries become self-sufficient by providing them with a range of new income opportunities.

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BISP will create new livelihood opportunities

Through this initiative, BISP will help families create reliable sources of income. Individuals with higher PMT scores will no longer be eligible for benefits, allowing the program to extend support to more deserving people through quarterly Benazir Kafalat payments.

The meeting focused on ways to improve human resources and transfer assets in order to provide beneficiaries with better opportunities to make a living. Both parties have decided to persist in their collaboration, and they are planning additional discussions to enhance their approach.

Why is the partnership between BISP and IFAD important?

Senator Rubina Khalid stated the importance of a strong partnership between BISP and IFAD. The objective is to maximize benefits for the affected people, including strengthening the agricultural sector in regions such as Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Gilgit-Baltistan, Balochistan, and other combined districts.

Help Beneficiaries Through Skilled Training

Millions of beneficiaries will receive new and advanced training from BISP’s soon-to-launch skilled training program. The goal of this training is to equip them with globally recognized certifications, empowering them to generate employment opportunities.

Senator Khalid said that the skills development program will not only improve people’s financial situation but will also enable them to contribute to the country’s economy, thereby enabling more people to benefit from the program.

IFAD officials welcomed BISP’s extensive database and offered both technical and financial assistance for skills development and long-term loan programs for participants.

Last Words

The partnership between BISP and IFAD represents a positive change for those registered women in the program. With a focus on creating livelihood opportunities through skills development and asset transfer, this collaboration will empower low-income families and guide them towards financial independence.

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